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Acebron Group beneficiary of an aid from Igape to the Factory 4.0 pilot projects

Acebron Group has been the beneficiary of an aid from Igape to the Factory 4.0 pilot projects, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Feder Galicia 2014-2020 operational program, which result is to promote the company’s digital transformation and the growth and consolidation of SMEs, improving their financing, technology and access to advanced support services. The proposal for this project was approved on April 23 2019 by the Competitiveness Area.

The project called @ G-CONECT for which the Acebron Group has benefited is divided into two different phases.

Phase I

Strengthen the transition and excellence towards an industry model 4.0 by incorporating new drivers and solutions that increase the level of maturity in the following areas:

  • Sensors and mechatronic actuators
  • Cyberphysical systems.
  • Full or extended connectivity.
  • Big Data, cloud computing and cybersecurity applied to the industry.
  • Logistics 4.0 for the total integration of the supply chain with the interconnection of systems and maximum coordination of logistics processes.

Phase II

Creation of a new custom-made order management application connected to an ERP in the cloud, to centralised the processes to improve the customer service. This application will also include production planning, so it will allow the definition of the tasks to complete a project, as well as the resources available to carry it out.

This will involve the centralization in a single application of different logistics processes of the company and the exchange of information with the client.

Acebron Group bets on Industry 4.0 and sees on this an unique opportunity to take advantage of the great access to information to optimise the company’s resources.

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