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Teleworking and Digitalisation: Interviewing David Parada

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The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, officially classified by the OMS as a pandemic in March 2020, changed the way we see the world and especially the way we organise the internal companies’ work.

The new reality that we are facing has forced us to modify our work methodology and adapt it to efficiently continue with our day to day. In most cases, the solution has been to incorporate a work modality to which we were not used to, teleworking.

For companies like Acebron Group, where the human factor is essential in many of the processes, taking preventive measures has been a key factor in continuing to develop our activity. From the beginning we have worked guaranteeing the maximum protection and safety measures for our workers, strictly applying our Covid-19 protocol.

Another essential element when implementing teleworking, in addition to protecting the health of all employees, is the coordination between referred members of the company. For this, it is crucial to maintain a direct communication, encouraging the exchange of feedback from workers and correctly delegate each function and task.

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Teleworking and digitalisation

Teleworking has allowed companies to guarantee the achievement of tasks and objectives without putting the workforce at risk of contagion. We would like to share some of the tips that have given to the team to create a  favorable work environment:

  1. Respect working hours and rest time.
  2. Plan the day and tasks.
  3. Good ergonomic conditions: lighting, physical space, work tools.
  4. Wide and constant communication between team members.
  5. Protect and properly safeguard all relevant documents for the company and for the worker.
  6. Maintain the correct disinfection and cleaning measures for yourself and for the material used.

The union between a successful level of digitisation and the organisation of the team has been essential to be able to carry out our activity always with one premise in mind: Everyone’s safety. Thanks to them, their dedication and understanding, we have managed to continue without losing our efficiency, quality and delivering times.

Interviewing David Parada

 We wanted to interview David Parada, head of the administration department and who has been part of the team since 2019. David is in charge of all administrative processes (accounting, tax, costs) trying to improve these processes both in obtaining data as in the analysis of them. Right now he is partially teleworking and we wanted you to tell us about your experience.

With the difficult situation that we have all had to live through due to the pandemic that is hitting us, I wanted to thank the management for facilitating the option of teleworking and also my colleagues for how well they have welcomed me, and how quickly they have made me feel part of the team.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of teleworking for you?

For me the main advantage is the family conciliation and the commuting time I save. I gains effectiveness and efficiency. With regard to the disadvantages, it may be that the line that separates the professional from the personal is blurred, so it is necessary to mark that difference well.

How do you carry out communication between all the departments of the company?

The truth is that nowadays, with the limitations due to Covid, the meetings have been greatly deepened through computer tools that we have at our disposal. For example, we use Teams, for interdepartmental communications and the truth is that they work very well, and on many occasions … They are faster and more fluid than face-to-face!

Do you consider it favorable for the company and workers to preserve this work dynamic in the future?

Definitely. Undoubtedly, there are times when a face-to-face meeting is necessary, but in most cases, as I mentioned before, it is faster and more efficient to do it online.

How do you manage to disconnect once the working day is over?

Well, the truth is that it is easy for me, since I follow a schedule and once my working day is over, with two small children that I have, you have no choice but to pay close attention to them.

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